
We're trying to get CCNet compatible again on Mono. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
A lot of devs do not work in Mono, so this is a new area for many of us.
We're trying to set-up a Linux Build Server also, but for the time being I'll try to compile CCNet in a Linux VM.
This will start after the release of 1.8.

Setting up a Linux environment

For those willing to try it out, here are some steps
  • install a good linux distro, I used Ubuntu
    • you can use run it in a VM ,via virtual box (hot swap between Windows and Linux)
    • or use the wubi install program, so you can use all the power of your machine
  • install monodevelop (current version is via Ubuntu Software Center
    • install the C#3.5 compiler:
      open a terminal window and type : sudo apt-get install mono-gmcs
    • install the compiler :
      open a terminal window and type : sudo apt-get install monodevelop mono-vbnc
  • disable the jScript compiler directive :
    project, options, compiler and there should be define symbols, add : DISABLE_JSCRIPT

Programming tips for Mono-Compatibility

  • do not use any namespaces that start with Microsoft, these are very likely to not exist under Mono
  • ...