Build Server Scenarios

Here we'll show how you can setup CCNet for different kinds of build servers. If you want to use/combine different kinds, you do not need another CCNet installation,
just an update of the config. Another build server can be handy in some situations, but in most it is not really required.
A situation where it is required from the first day : the code must be compiled on different platforms, Windows and Linux for example.

I'll try to explain the entire setup : ccnet.config, build script, ... and start from scratch, so you'll also have the benefit of learning step by step.
In these examples I'll use TFS for source control, and Nant" as a build script, because that's what I use at work, making it a lot easier for providing examples.
Other source control systems and build script languages are possible and supported of course.

A nice overview for integrating CCNet with VS2010 can be found at CCNet and VS2010
This also includes MS-test and Ms-Test coverage inclusion in CCNet