Default Issue Tracker URL Builder

It contains the url of the involved project, with the issue number as a parameter.


Available from version 1.0


1<issueUrlBuilder type="defaultIssueTracker">
2  <url>{0}</url>

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
url The base URL to use.
The issue number is held in \{0\}.
String Yes n/a 1.0


Whenever a checkin is done, the following logic is applied :

* Split the comment into a string array; separator is space
* From the first part, take all the numeric parts, starting from the end of this part
* Paste this number into the parameter

For example, with this configuration:

1<issueUrlBuilder type="defaultIssueTracker">
2  <url>{0}</url>

The following comments would be converted into the URL

* CCNET-1223: CCnet should foresee a way to transform the comments into hyperlinks for integration with issue tracking systems
* CCNET-1223 CCnet should foresee a way to transform the comments into hyperlinks for integration with issue tracking systems
* CCNET-1223
* 1223

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Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:02 AM