Email Subject

This element allows to set specific subject messages according to the state of the build. When a certain state is not specified, a default will be entered.


Available from version 1.0


1<subject buildResult="StillBroken" value="Build is still broken for {CCNetProject}" />

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
buildResult A build result state, see below for the possible values. String - one of:
* Success
* Broken
* StillBroken
* Fixed
* Exception
Yes n/a 1.0
value The value of the subject line, the text to be used for the subject. This may contain variables, see below. String Yes n/a 1.0


It is also possible to use Integration Properties in this section. For example:

2  <subject buildResult="StillBroken" value="Build is still broken for ${CCNetProject}, please check again" />


2  <subject buildResult="StillBroken" value="Build is still broken for ${CCNetProject}, the fix failed." />
3  <subject buildResult="Broken" value="{CCNetProject} broke at ${CCNetBuildDate} ${CCNetBuildTime } , last checkin(s) by ${CCNetFailureUsers}" />
4  <subject buildResult="Exception" value="Serious problem for ${CCNetProject}, it is now in Exception! Check status of network / sourcecontrol" />

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Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:00 AM