Numeric Parameter

This will prompt the user to enter a numeric value when a force build is requested.

This parameter can then be used by a dynamic value in a task.


Available from version 1.5


Minimalist example

2  <name>MaxAllowedErrors</name>

Full example

 2  <name>MaxAllowedErrors</name>
 3  <display>Maximum Allowed Errors</display>
 4  <description>What is the maximum allowed number of unit test errors?</description>
 5  <default>5</default>
 6  <minimum>0</minimum>
 7  <maximum>10</maximum>
 8  <required>false</required>

Example in Context

 1<project name="Test Project">
 2  <sourcecontrol type="svn">
 3    <!-- Omitted for brevity -->
 4  </sourcecontrol>
 5  <triggers>
 6    <intervalTrigger />
 7  </triggers>
 8  <tasks>
 9    <!-- Omitted for brevity -->
10  </tasks>
11  <publishers>
12    <!-- Omitted for brevity -->
13  </publishers>
14  <parameters>
15    <numericParameter>
16      <name>MaxAllowedErrors</name>
17      <display>Maximum Allowed Errors</display>
18      <description>What is the maximum allowed number of unit test errors?</description>
19      <default>5</default>
20      <minimum>0</minimum>
21      <maximum>10</maximum>
22      <required>false</required>
23    </numericParameter>
24  </parameters>

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
default The default value to use. String No None 1.5
description The description of the parameter. String No None 1.5
display The display name of the parameter. String No None 1.5
required Is the parameter required? Boolean No false 1.5
maximum The maximum allowed value of the parameter. Double No 1.79769e\+308 1.5
minimum The mimimum allowed value of the parameter. Double No -1.79769e\+308 1.5
name The name of the parameter. String Yes n/a 1.5

Automatically Generated

Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:17:59 AM