
A file to include in the package.

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
baseDirectory The directory to base all the file locations from. String No Project working directory 1.7
flatten Should the file structure be flattened or not.
By default, the folder structure will also be included in the package. Setting this property to true will flatten (omit) the folder information.
Boolean No false 1.4.4
sourceFile The name and path of the file to store into the package
This is the path to the file that you wish to store in the package
String Yes
targetFileName The name of the file that is to be saved.
Use this attribute only if you wish to rename the file being saved to a different name.
String No
targetFolder The name of the folder in the package that the file will be saved under
Use this attribute if you wish to override the location of the file being saved in the package.
String No

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Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:00 AM