Project Statistics Plugin

The Project Statistics Plugin displays the statistics for the project. Since version 1.4 the graphs of Eden Ridgway are incorporated into CCNet.

LinkDescription : View Statistics.

the old statistics page of CCNet

1<projectStatisticsPlugin xslFileName="xsl\statistics.xsl" />

the new statistics page with the graphs of Eden, this is the default of CCNet now

1<projectStatisticsPlugin xslFileName="xsl\StatisticsGraphs.xsl" />

Configuration of the graphs

            For a full reference, you can check out Eden's Blog at : 
            Below the information from Eden's Blog :

            In version 2.7 of CCNet graphs I made some further improvements to the manner in which graphs are configured.  
            Now any customisations that need to be done are housed in the GraphConfiguration.jsfile (in the webdashboard\javascript folder).  
            The logic in the graph generation is now also resilient to problems such as blank or non-numeric data in the custom nodes.

            If you want to include custom data in your report you should read the Statistics Publisher Wiki page 
            to get the it included in the report.xml file (which you will find in your artifacts folder for each project).

            *Configuration Setup*

            There are 3 areas of configuration, the:

                * Recent Graphs Tab- the details of which are stored in the _recentGraphConfigurations array of configuration/option objects.  
                   The datasource of each refers to the _recentStatistics object array, that contains up to the last 20 build statistics.
                * Manner in which Summary Data is calculated- this is stored in the _summaryConfiguration object that contains 
                   functions that accept successful and failed build arrays for a day and return an numeric value for each.
                * Historic Builds Tab- is configured in the same way as the Recent Graphs Tab, 
                   except is defined in the _historicGraphConfigurations array and each configuration object uses the _summarisedStatistics datasource.  
                   This datasource contains, the item index, DurationInSeconds, TestsPassed (calculated properties not present in the report.xml file) 
                   and the summary data properties defined in _summaryConfiguration.

            Example Customisation

            Lets say that one wanted to add a complexity graph to the recent and historic tabs, the changes required would be this:

                One would edit the _recentGraphConfigurations array and add the following (assuming that the xml element node 
                 [in the report.xml file] that contains the data is called AverageComplexity):
                var _recentGraphConfigurations =
                        //... Other configuration objects excluded for brevity
                            graphName: "Complexity",
                            dataSource: _recentStatistics,
                            numXTicks: _numberRecentGraphXTicks,
                            series: [
                                     { name: "Average Complexity", attributeName: "AverageComplexity", color: "blue" {color:#000000}}

                Then the manner in which you want to summarise the data on a daily basis needs to be defined in summaryConfiguration.  
                Note that all the standard summary functions are contained in the QueryFunctions.js file and include methods such as 
                (getLastValue, select, distinct, sum, average, count, min and max).  
                Say we wanted to display the average complexity value for the day, the configuration would be defined like this:
                var _summaryConfiguration =
                        //Other attributes...
                        averageComplexity: function(successfulBuilds, failedBuilds) { return average(successfulBuilds, "AverageComplexity") }

                Lastly the summarised data collected by the function above for each day must be configured for the history tab, like this:
                var _historicGraphConfigurations =
                        //Other configuration objects...
                            graphName: "Complexity",
                            dataSource: _summarisedStatistics,
                            numXTicks: _numberHistoricGraphXTicks,
                            series: [
                                       { name: "Average Complexity", attributeName: "averageComplexity", color: "blue" {color:#000000}}
                Note how the attribute name here corresponds to the attribute name defined in _summaryConfiguration and not the 
                original statistic configuration element.

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
xslFileName String Yes

Automatically Generated

Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:05 AM