StarTeam Source Control Block

Source Controller for StarTeam SCM.


Available from version 1.0


 1<sourcecontrol type="starteam">
 2  <executable>c:\starteam\stcmd.exe</executable>
 3  <project>ccnet</project>
 4  <username>buildguy</username>
 5  <password>buildguypw</password>
 6  <host>thebuildmachine</host>
 7  <port>49201</port>
 8  <path>release2.0</path>
 9  <autoGetSource>true</autoGetSource>
10  <folderRegEx>customRegEx</folderRegEx>
11  <fileRegEx>customRegEx</fileRegEx>
12  <fileHistoryRegEx>customRegEx</fileHistoryRegEx>
13  <timeout units="minutes">10</timeout>

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
type The type of source control block. String - must be starteam Yes n/a 1.0
autoGetSource Instruct CCNet whether or not you want it to automatically retrieve the latest source from the repository. Boolean No true 1.0
dynamicValues The dynamic values to use for the source control block. Dynamic Values array No None 1.5
executable The local path for the StarTeam command-line client (eg. c:\starteam\stcmd.exe). String Yes n/a 1.0
fileHistoryRegEx Allows you to use your own RegEx to parse StarTeam's file history. String No n/a 1.0
fileRegEx Allows you to use your own RegEx to parse StarTeam's file output. String No None 1.0
folderRegEx Allows you to use your own RegEx to parse StarTeam's folder output. String No None 1.0
host The IP address or machine name of the StarTeam server. String No 1.0
issueUrlBuilder Converts the comment (or parts from it) into an url pointing to the issue for this build. See IssueUrlBuilder for more details. IssueUrlBuilder No None 1.4
overrideFolderWorkingDir If set, use the -rp option to use a different View Working Directory. String No None 1.0
overrideViewWorkingDir Instruct CCNet whether or not you want it to automatically retrieve the latest source from the repository. String No n/a 1.0
password Password for the StarTeam user ID. String Yes n/a 1.0
path The path to monitor. String No None 1.0
port The port on the StarTeam server to connect to. Int32 No 49201 1.0
project The StarTeam project (and view) to monitor (eg. project/view). String Yes n/a 1.0
timeout Sets the timeout period for the source control operation. See Timeout Configuration for details. Timeout Configuration No 10 minutes 1.0
username StarTeam ID that CCNet should use. String Yes n/a 1.0


RegEx Configuration

CruiseControl.NET uses StarTeam's command line interface to find changes submitted to Source Control. 3 regular expressions are used in doing this, as specified above. You have the option of changing these regular expressions to choose how your instance of CruiseControl.NET parses StarTeam output. It is recommended if you do this that you download the source version of CruiseControl.NET to see the default RegEx's and how they are used.

One suggested alternative RegEx so far is for the fileHistoryRegEx, as follows:

1            ^Revision: (?<file_revision>\S+) View: (?<view_name>.+) Branch Revision: (?<branch_revision>\S+).\nAuthor: (?<author_name>.*) Date: (?<date_string>.*) \w+\r\n(?<change_comment>.*)

(Note that this is all one line)

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Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:02 AM