Synergy Client Session

A CM Synergy client session.


Available from version 1.0


 2  <host>myserver</host>
 3  <database>\\myserver\share\mydatabase</database>
 4  <!-- store values in an environmental variable-->
 5  <username>%CCM_USER%</username>
 6  <password>%CCM_PWD%</password>
 7  <role>build_mgr</role>
 8  <homeDirectory>D:\cmsynergy\%CCM_USER%</homeDirectory>
 9  <clientDatabaseDirectory>D:\cmsynergy\uidb</clientDatabaseDirectory>
10  <polling>true</polling>
11  <timeout>3600</timeout>

Configuration Elements

Element Description Type Required Default Version
clientDatabaseDirectory Path for the remote client session to copy database information to. Can include environmental variables to be replaced. String No SystemDrive\cmsynergy\uidb 1.0
database Network path to the Synergy database instance String Yes n/a 1.0
executable The executable filename/path for the CM Synergy command line interface.
Can include environmental variables to be replaced.
String Yes ccm.exe 1.0
homeDirectory The full physical path of the home directory for the associated Username on the client machine. Can include environmental variables to be replaced.
This role must have sufficient permissions to modify task folders, change reconfigure properties, and create baselines.
String No SystemDrive\cmsynergy\%USERNAME% 1.0
host Hostname of the Synergy server String Yes n/a 1.0
password The Synergy password for the associate value. String No None 1.0
polling Poll the server every minute when the ccm_admin has protected the database for the purpose of issuing backup commands.
This is useful if a long runing inadventently enters the scheduled time window for routine downtime, generally for server maintenance jobs like backups.
Boolean No false 1.0
role The role to use for the Synergy session. String No build_mgr 1.0
timeout Timeout in seconds for all Synergy commands. Int32 No 3600 1.0
username The username for the Synergy session. Can include environmental variables to be replaced. String No USERNAME 1.0
workingDirectory The directory to execute all CM Synergy commands from.
Can include environmental variables to be replaced.
String No PROGRAMFILES\Telelogic\CM Synergy 6.3\bin 1.0

Automatically Generated

Documentation generated on Monday, 26 May 2014 at 7:18:02 AM